DAniela Wedel

danielawedel.com & Nomad's View

Daniela Wedel was born and raised in Munich, lived in Florence, Italy, in the UK, and now for over 20 years in France. This experience—being an art historian and photographer—makes Europe a diverse and comfortable playground for her. Standing still is a challenge, and when she is not on the road guiding tours for small private groups, she adventures into her collection of photographic travel memories to share them with you online at nomadsview.com or fills her eyes with new impressions traveling around the world.


Daniela’s home is in Avignon, southern France. She was born in Munich, Germany where she received her degree in Art History, Ancient History and Photography. She has spent a lot of time in Florence, Italy during her studies, has lived in the United Kingdom and resides in France for over 20 years. All these moves, together with speaking several languages, give her a profound understanding of European culture, everyday life and it’s people. 

Her knowledge of history, art and different cultures collected during extensive travels and studies, her appreciation of the diversity of Europe and her enthusiasm to share it, made it an obvious choice to become an international tour guide.Since 2003 Daniela has been guiding American, Swiss, German and French travelers through Europe. In 2008 she decided to create Treasure-Europe which offers small group tours (6-14 pax),  trip planning and travel assistance for the independent traveler. 

Since the earliest days her camera has been Daniela's permanent travel companion. Eager to extract the beauty (out) of the ordinary, her motivation is to stay enchanted by the world that surrounds her.

Daniela tells a story through her images that take you on a journey. More recently she gets more involved in alternative printing procedures like Stenotype, Van Dyke, Gum printing and mixed media.When she is at home and not writing about herself in the 3rd person, she enjoys biking and hiking in Provence and then there is more traveling around the globe when possible.

Follow Daniela on Facebook @nomadsview.